
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Simple Counter with PIC16F877A

Config Proteus like this
7 Segments leds counter pic16f877a
And here is the source code
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; File name: 7SegmentsLedx4_Counter.asm
;; Email:
;; Blog:
;; Date: March 3rd, 2014
;; Description: a simple counter from 0000 to 9999 using PIC16F877A and 7 segments leds.
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; define constants

num_0 equ  20
num_1 equ  21
num_2 equ  22
num_3 equ  23

time_delay  equ  24
time_delay1  equ  25
time_delay2  equ  26

counter  equ  27
rate  equ  28
tmp   equ  29

org 0
goto 100

org 10
table ; look up for 7 segments code
movfw counter
addwf PCL
retlw H'3F'  ; 0
retlw H'06'  ; 1
retlw H'5B'  ; 2
retlw H'4F'  ; 3
retlw H'66'  ; 4
retlw H'6D'  ; 5
retlw H'7D'  ; 6
retlw H'07'  ; 7
retlw H'7F'  ; 8
retlw H'6F'  ; 9

org 100
; config and init ports
bsf  STATUS, 5    ; select bank 1

movwf TRISB    ; mark port B as an output port
movwf TRISC    ; mark port C as an output port

bcf  STATUS, 5    ; select bank 0

clrf PORTB
clrf num_0
clrf num_1
clrf num_2
clrf num_3
clrf rate

movlw H'FF'
movwf PORTC

; main program start here
; control the counting speed
incf rate   ; increase rate
btfsc rate, 6   ; if rate equals 01000000
call incNum0   ; do count
btfsc rate, 6   ; and then clear rate
clrf rate

call display   ; scan the leds
goto loop

bsf  PORTC, 0   ; port C equals 11111111

movf num_0, w   ; look for the 7 segments code of num_0 value
movwf counter
call table
movwf PORTB   ; display to port B
bcf  PORTC, 3   ; port C equals 11110111
call delay

bsf  PORTC, 3

movf num_1, w
movwf counter
call table
movwf PORTB
bcf  PORTC, 2
call delay

bsf  PORTC, 2

movf num_2, w
movwf counter
call table
movwf PORTB
bcf  PORTC, 1
call delay

bsf  PORTC, 1

movf num_3, w
movwf counter
call table
movwf PORTB
bcf  PORTC, 0
call delay

incf num_0   increase num_0
; test if num_0 equals 10 (1010 in binary)
clrf tmp
btfsc num_0, 1   ; xxxxxx1x
bsf  tmp, 0
btfsc num_0, 3   ; xxxx1xxx
incf tmp
btfsc tmp, 1
call incNum1   ; num_0 = 10 -> increase the next

clrf num_0
incf num_1
clrf tmp
btfsc num_1, 1
bsf  tmp, 0
btfsc num_1, 3
incf tmp
btfsc tmp, 1
call incNum2

clrf num_1
incf num_2
clrf tmp
btfsc num_2, 1
bsf  tmp, 0
btfsc num_2, 3
incf tmp
btfsc tmp, 1
call incNum3

clrf num_2
incf num_3
clrf tmp
btfsc num_3, 1
bsf  tmp, 0
btfsc num_3, 3
incf tmp
btfsc tmp, 1
clrf num_3

movlw H'5'
movwf time_delay2
movlw H'5'
movwf time_delay1
movlw H'5'
movwf time_delay
decfsz time_delay
goto delay1
decfsz time_delay1
goto delay2
decfsz time_delay2
goto delay3


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Textbox with placeholder by C#

It's here. A textbox with placeholder. Look like input control in html. Create a file named STextBox.cs and paste this code:

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File name: STextBox.cs
// Author: Smart Goat
// Email:
// Blog:
// Date: 2013-12-09
// Description: a text box with placeholder, similar the web input control.
//   - Properties:
//      + Placeholder: string - The content of the placeholder
//   - Methods:
//      + IsEmpty(): bool - Check if the text box is empty (recommended)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace FooBar
    class STextBox : TextBox
        private bool textInputted;
        private Color backupForeColor = Color.Empty;
        private string placeholder = string.Empty;

        public string Placeholder
            get { return placeholder; }
                placeholder = value;

        public bool IsEmpty()
            return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) || !textInputted;

        private void SetPlaceHolder()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                Text = placeholder;
                ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                textInputted = false;

        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
            textInputted = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text);

        protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e)
            if (!textInputted)
                Text = string.Empty;
                ForeColor = backupForeColor;

        protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e)

        protected override void OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs e)
            if (backupForeColor == Color.Empty)
                backupForeColor = ForeColor;

        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.A)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Simple photoshop script

This is my simple script to join images using photoshop:

// create a new document size 30000x500 pixels at 72ppi
var doc = app.documents.add (30000, 500, 72);

// prepare the real width of the joined image
var wid = new UnitValue(0, "px");

// loop through all images
// 3 is the number of images
// images are store in c:\img folder
// images' file name: img1.jpg, img2.jpg, ...
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    // take a file
    var fileRef = File("C:\\imgs\\img" + i + ".jpg");

    // open the image in a new document
    var imgdoc =;

    // resize the opened image to height 500px
    var ws = 500 * imgdoc.width / imgdoc.height;
    imgdoc.resizeImage(ws, 500);

    // copy the resized image to working document
    app.activeDocument = doc;

    // get the top layer
    var pslayer = doc.layers[0];

    // move the pasted image to the right position
    var position = pslayer.bounds;
    position[0] = wid - position[0];
    position[1] = 100 - position[1];
    pslayer.translate(position[0], -position[1]);

    // close the opened image and update the real width
    app.activeDocument = imgdoc;
    wid += imgdoc.width;

Monday, December 2, 2013

[Tutorial] Move form with no border

Just add the below snippet to your code (C#):

private const int WM_NCHITTEST = 0x84; // Mouse capture.
private const int HTCLIENT = 0x1;      // Client area.
private const int HTCAPTION = 0x2;     // Title bar.

// This function intercepts all the commands sent to the application.
// It checks if user click (WM_NCHITTEST) on the form area (HTCLIENT)
// It fakes the result as the title bar (HTCAPTION)
// This makes the form thinks user clicked on the title bar.
// So we can click and move form by (fake) title bar.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message message)
    base.WndProc(ref message);

    if (message.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST && (int)message.Result == HTCLIENT)
        message.Result = (IntPtr)HTCAPTION;

Thursday, October 17, 2013

[Tutorial] Add offline javadoc to eclipse

If you are working with eclipse, the javadocs come from internet. And eclipse takes a bit delay to show the docs. You can config your eclipse to use offline javadocs. This will make eclipse faster and you can see the docs without internet. These are the step:
1. Download javadocs:
Java 6:
Java 7:
Download the javadocs zip file and put in any where that you want.
2. Config eclipse:
add offline javadoc
Select Preferences
add offline javadoc to eclipse
Select Installed JREs
add offline javadoc to eclipse
Select the java version that you want to add docs and then select Edit
add offline javadoc to eclipse
Select rt.jar package and then select Javadoc Location
Select Javadoc in archive and browse the zip that you downloaded

Sunday, October 6, 2013

How the CPU works

Every computer, smartphone, ... has a CPU inside. It's the brain of these devices. But how it works? After surfing around for a while, I found this. Take a look at how a CPU works:

First, all devices have their own machine code to tell them what to do.
CPU takes a string of bits (machine code - designed by the manufacturer) and output another string of bits that do some special tasks or tell the devices what to do.
'The strings of bits' - intructions, are stored in RAM (random access memory). CPU read (input) these instructions and execute an output. The output maybe tell the hard disk to write somethings. Maybe store somethings to RAM again.