
Showing posts with label script. Show all posts
Showing posts with label script. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Simple photoshop script

This is my simple script to join images using photoshop:

// create a new document size 30000x500 pixels at 72ppi
var doc = app.documents.add (30000, 500, 72);

// prepare the real width of the joined image
var wid = new UnitValue(0, "px");

// loop through all images
// 3 is the number of images
// images are store in c:\img folder
// images' file name: img1.jpg, img2.jpg, ...
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    // take a file
    var fileRef = File("C:\\imgs\\img" + i + ".jpg");

    // open the image in a new document
    var imgdoc =;

    // resize the opened image to height 500px
    var ws = 500 * imgdoc.width / imgdoc.height;
    imgdoc.resizeImage(ws, 500);

    // copy the resized image to working document
    app.activeDocument = doc;

    // get the top layer
    var pslayer = doc.layers[0];

    // move the pasted image to the right position
    var position = pslayer.bounds;
    position[0] = wid - position[0];
    position[1] = 100 - position[1];
    pslayer.translate(position[0], -position[1]);

    // close the opened image and update the real width
    app.activeDocument = imgdoc;
    wid += imgdoc.width;