
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

[Tip] Set static ARP

For Windows XP

1. Open Command Prompt
2. At the command prompt, type:
arp -s ip_address mac_address
arp -s 00-34-A3-7D-66-FF
3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
arp -d ip_address
arp -d

For Windows 7, Windows 8

1. Open Command Prompt
2. At the command prompt, type:
netsh -c "interface ipv4" set neighbors "connection_name" "ip_address" "mac_address"
netsh -c "interface ipv4" set neighbors "Wi-fi" "" "00-A3-F7-C0-AE-32"
3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
netsh interface ipv4 delete neighbor "connection_name" "ip_address" "mac_address"
netsh interface ipv4 delete neighbor "Wi-fi" "" "00-A3-F7-C0-AE-32"
When you restart the computer, if the arp entry is still displayed, go to this link for more information.

For Linux

1. Open Terminal
2. At the terminal prompt, type:
sudo arp -s ip_address mac_address
sudo arp -s 00:0C:29:C0:94:BF
3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
sudo arp -d ip_address
sudo arp -d

Saturday, August 17, 2013

[Tutorial] Install Damn Small Linux (DSL) 2.4 on Virtualbox

Step 1: Install Virtualbox (DIY)
Step 2: Download dsl iso install file
Access select the archive folder and download the file dsl-2.4.iso (if you want the newest version, select the current folder)

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Step 3: Install and setting
Open virtualbox and click New

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Now config the created virtual machine

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Replace SATA controller by IDE controller:

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Choose dsl.vdi file >> Open >> Ok

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Now start the virtual machine and install dsl

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Select the dsl-2.4.iso file downloaded before

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install
dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

When the boot screen appear, press Enter key and wait for dsl to start

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Here is what we got:
(If you have problem with mouse, select Machine >> Disable Mouse Integration

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Now, right click on desktop >> Xshell >> Root Access >> Transparent

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

The shell window appear, type fdisk /dev/hda

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Press 'm' key for help menu:

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Type commands as the following image:
(n >> p >> 1 >> 520)

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

 Continue with these commands: t >> 83 >> w

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Now, close the shell window, right click on desktop >> Apps >> Tools >> Install to Hard Drive

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

A window appear, type hda1 >> n >> n >> y

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Type 'y' and press Enter:

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

Type 'g' to make Grub boot loader:

dsl, virtualbox, linux, install

After this, type 'y' to restart the virtual machine, and then you got DSL installed.