Today I will show you how to view all sheets and move to any sheet you want. It's very easy!
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Right click on the arrow
And here is what you'll see!
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arp -s ip_address mac_addressExample:
arp -s 00-34-A3-7D-66-FF3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
arp -d ip_addressExample:
arp -d
netsh -c "interface ipv4" set neighbors "connection_name" "ip_address" "mac_address"Example:
netsh -c "interface ipv4" set neighbors "Wi-fi" "" "00-A3-F7-C0-AE-32"3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
netsh interface ipv4 delete neighbor "connection_name" "ip_address" "mac_address"Example:
netsh interface ipv4 delete neighbor "Wi-fi" "" "00-A3-F7-C0-AE-32"When you restart the computer, if the arp entry is still displayed, go to this link for more information.
sudo arp -s ip_address mac_addressExample:
sudo arp -s 00:0C:29:C0:94:BF3. In order to delete the static arp entry, type:
sudo arp -d ip_addressExample:
sudo arp -d